The seventh event was in Montegridolfo, Montescudo-Monte Colombo and Gemmano

it-7_montegridolfo-liberataThe seventh and last APPEACE meeting was organized in Montegridolfo on the occasion of the local event called “THE LIBERATED MONTEGRIDOLFO”, a territorial performance reminiscent of the breakthrough of the gothic line. The event lasting 15 days commemorated the important historical moment through a series of thematic activities.

Among the others, the programme proposed visits to the German defences (bunker stations, etc.), the “Kommandantur” and the English camp, showing of the film “From the Metauro to the Foglia River” from “A. Gaffarelli ” archive and the opening of “A. Gaffarelli” archive with a brief presentation by A. Agnoletti and D. Diotallevi.

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The sixth event was in Ieper/Ypres

be_eu-parliament-groupThe event was opened on 1st June 2016 at European Parliament where the APPEACE delegation was a guest of Mr. Joseph-Maria Terricabras, Spanish (Catalan) MEP. This was a special opportunity, as all participants could talk with him for an hour on the strengths and the weaknesses of Europe and its parliament.

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The fifth event was in Ústí nad Labem


The conference was opened on Thursday 7 April 2016 in the Museum of the City of Ústí nad Labem by the welcome speech of the Lady Mayor of the City – Ms Věra Nechybová and Mr Václav Houfek, the museum manager. The introductory part of the project also comprised the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement between the Ústí museum and the National Liberation Museum in Maribor, since these two cities have many things in common in terms of history, and the cooperation between the museums will definitely be very fruitful.

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The fourth event of the project was in Maribor


From 18th to 20th of September it has been organized the 4th event of APPEACE project in Maribor (Slovenia).

The meeting has been organized by the Museum of National Liberation in Maribor in cooperation with the Drago Kobal Primary School, where the teacher Marjetka Berlič was chosen to manage the cooperation, and with the Prežihov Voranc Primary School, where project coordination was assumed by Natalija Carmona and Klavdija Šipuš.

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Observations to share on Spanish Civil War


  • The social inequality and the problems resulting from nationalism play an important role in the aspect of causes for war, but they are not the only ones
  • There are no romantic wars. I am sore thinking that dreams of a better world inspired many people to participate to the fight.
  • SCW has some relation with WWII. It was used as a parade ground for introducing modern weapons and a modern way in leading a war. And even to spread the role of Nazism and Fascism.
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The third event of the project was in La Junquera

ES_IMG_0265The first day have been welcomed by the Mayor of La Jonquera and President of the MUME Consortium, Sònia Martínez, and the Director of MUME, Jordi Font.

The first part of the morning has been dedicated to the lectures focused on “The peace of the defeated: Francoist repression during the post-war and exile period” and “Memory policies in Catalonia. The cross-border example”, presented by Jordi Gaitx (Scientific Advisor to MUME and UdG) and David González (MUME Education Service).

The second part of the morning has been dedicated to Set-up and Teaching , including a guided tour to the Exile Memorial Museum and presentation of the MUME Education Service, before the “Sharing history” workshop to reflect on historical scenarios during the XX century wars.

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Observations to share on Balkan Wars

BG_2015-03-27 11.12.33

  • Balkans is always in war.
  • There are different memories and maybe contradictory between them, about the wars, since a military vision of the facts- speeches of H.Georgiev or military museum of Sofia, for example – to other vision more social that recognise the victims, not the heroes.
  • There are victims on both sides, it doesn`t matter who “started”the conflict!
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The second event of the project was in Sandanski

BG_2015-03-27 13.33.50The second event of the project was in Sandanski (Bulgaria) on 26th, 27th and 28th of March 2015, with tour to war memorials from the First and Second World War, the front of Rupel and Doiran in Greece, the Bulgarian cemetries in Novo selo, FYROM(Macedonia) and the Rojden monastry which has witnessed several wars.

The meeting was divided in two parts along the first and second days.

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Appeace: war places / peace citizens: iniziato il primo evento del progetto europeo nato a Montescudo, il primo che vede San Marino coinvolto. I partner di 10 città si sono incontrati sulla Linea Gotica. Domani, convegni di studio e un concerto al Teatro Rosaspina

Appeace, the project partners at Chiesa della PaceCome tutti gli incontri, è iniziato con un benvenuto del sindaco di Montescudo Elena Castellari e la presentazione, solo che a presentarsi sono città, diventate da oggi anche partner europei. Dalla chiesa della Pace di Trarivi a Montescudo, comune capofila del progetto, è così iniziato Appeace: war places / peace citizens, un programma di incontri tra 10 comuni – Montescudo, Montegridolfo e Gemmano in Italia, Sandanski (Bulgaria), Usti nad Labem (Repubblica Ceca), Kavala (Grecia), Sarajevo (Bosnia-Erzegovina), Ypres (Belgio), La Junquera (Spagna), Maribor (Slovenia) e l’istituto per la Storia della Resistenza e dell’Italia Contemporanea di Rimini. Il progetto, cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea, nasce con lo scopo di mettere in comune un passato di guerra, valorizzare i luoghi e i musei che li ricordano e costruire insieme una cittadinanza europea. E già un risultato è stato raggiunto: la Repubblica di San Marino, aderendo come partner associato, ha siglato la partecipazione al suo primo progetto europeo. Continue reading

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Appeace: war places / peace citizens: inizia dai comuni di Montescudo, Montegridolfo e Gemmano un progetto di città europee colpite dalle guerre del ‘900 per creare “luoghi di pace”. Lavoro comune ed eventi pubblici sui luoghi della Linea Gotica dal 20 al 22 novembre.


Undici partner europei per un progetto che unisce 10 città che hanno subito le guerre nel ‘900, i loro musei che ospitano le testimonianze di un passato doloroso. E in Valconca, sulla linea Gotica e nelle gallerie che hanno accolto a San Marino gli sfollati, insieme cominciano il loro cammino in comune per costruire cittadini di pace. E’ “Appeace: war places / peace citizens”, una tre giorni di studio e lavoro comune, ma anche momenti pubblici in convegni, concerti, visite e trekking – sì, passeggiate nella natura nemmeno tanto tempo fa stravolta dal passaggio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale – per cercare di costruire insieme una comune cittadinanza europea. E condividerla con studenti, ricercatori, appassionati di storia e attivisti della pace in occasione del 70° anniversario dell’evento bellico.

Succederà a Montescudo, Montegridolfo e Gemmano dal 20 al 22 novembre: i tre comuni della Valconca organizzeranno il primo di sette eventi che toccheranno poi nei prossimi mesi Sandanski (Bulgaria), Usti nad Labem (Repubblica Ceca), Kavala (Grecia), Sarajevo (Bosnia-Erzegovina), Ypres (Belgio), La Junquera (Spagna), Maribor (Slovenia). Amministratori e responsabili dei musei europei partner del progetto saranno accolti giovedì mattina da Elena Castellari, sindaco di Montescudo, Giuseppe Morganti, segretario di Stato per l’Istruzione, la Cultura e l’Università della Repubblica di San Marino e Francesca Panozzo, vicepresidente dell’Istituto per la Storia della Resistenza e dell’Italia Contemporanea della Provincia di Rimini. Nel pomeriggio accolgienza istituzionale a San Marino con i segretari di Stato Giuseppe Morganti e Iro Belluzzi (segretario per il Lavoro e l’Informazione) e il coordinatore del dipartimento di Storia, Cultura dell’Università di San Marino Karen Venturini. Continue reading

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